You can now set each permis-
sion to Allow, generate Ran
dom data, Custom value for
data or Block.
The random and custom data
options are especially useful for
apps that will not work with-
out receiving data from sources
like GPS. With the custom value
option for GPS and network
location, you can, for instance,
set your phone’s location to a
location of your choice.
If an app misbehaves with re-
strictive permissions enforced,
experiment to find which set-
tings work or consider not using
the app at all.
Note that the PEM is no guar-
antee against malicious apps
compromising your Crypto-
Phone, it only raises the bar for
an attacker.
We strongly recommend to set
your CryptoPhone at least to
the “Medium Security” mode
), and to not install
any third-party apps on your
17 IP Firewall
Another component of the 360°
security concept of the Cryp-
toPhone 500 is the IP Firewall,
which can also be accessed from
the CryptoPhone “Settings”
It works essentially the same
way as a personal firewall which
you may know from your desk-