To avoid such costs it is strongly
recommended to use tariff
plans with data flat rates.
Tip: When traveling abroad,
obtain a pre-paid SIM card from
a local network of the country
you are going to that offers a
reasonable data plan (remem-
ber that your CryptoPhone
number does not change when
you change the SIM card).
Troubleshooting: If you experi-
ence difficulties in getting your
data connection to work, set
the phone to “Basic Security” or
“Medium Security” (
Then work with your network
operator to set the correct APN
address and user configuration
until you can use the phone’s
web browser to access the Inter-
net. Alternatively, use Wireless
LAN / WiFi to connect to the
When you can access the In-
ternet from your web browser,
your CryptoPhone should also
be able to establish secure con-
CryptoPhone IP calls require a
working Internet connection.
5 Connect to Secure
To connect your
CryptoPhone to the
secure network, press
the offline status icon on the
CryptoPhone main screen.
It will show an ani
mation while it tries
to connect.