6 Store your Contacts
Each contact stored in the
secure storage area consists of
one CryptoPhone number and
up to two GSM numbers. The
first entry is the CryptoPhone
number, which usually starts
with +807.
This number can be used to
initiate secure voice calls. Like
your own
number, it
always stays
the same, even
if your partner
switches to a
different mo-
bile network
operator or is
online via Wire-
less LAN.
CryptoPhone numbers (+807)
cannot be used to send secure
SMS messages.
The GSM numbers are used for
sending secure SMS messages.
They are the normal mobile
phone numbers of your contact.
Use the optional secondary
GSM number to keep track of
your contact’s local pre-paid
If your CryptoPhone
is connected to the
secure network,
the icon will show a
If you want to dis-
connect from the
secure network,
press the status icon
again. This disables
the secure network connection.