9. 2.66" Commercial Tank Roof Instructions
2.66" Corrugation 135' Diameter Tank with 50 PSF Snow Roof
Center Collar Placement
With two (2) sidewall rings in place, position the center collar at a height of 39' - 11-7/8" to the bottom of
the center collar as shown
Figure 9C
Roof Beam Splice
Splice upper (CRP-7144), middle (CRP-7076) and lower (CRP-7160) roof beams together using
3/4" x 3" bolts (S-8127) and nut (S-234). Note the orientation of the splice plate. The extra 3/8" material
that protrudes below the roof beam flange should match up to its mating beam and be orientated down
after assembly to the center collar and tension plate coupler.
The top of each roof beam is color
coded with paint and should have a sticker stating “TOP”
Figure 9D