5. Bolting Requirements
2.66" Corrugation 135' Diameter Tank with 50 PSF Snow Roof
Refer to 2.66" commercial tank bolting requirements for complete bolt usage.
Bolt S-10260
An S-10260 is a 5/16" x 1" JS bolt that is pre-assembled with a sealing washer.
Bolt S-7487
An S-7487 is a 3/8" x 1" JS bolt that is pre-assembled with a sealing washer.
Bolt (S-10260) is used in the following locations:
1. Use to connect roof panels together where they overlap.
2. Use when connecting eave angle to sidewall sheet.
3. The color of the bucket lid is lime green.
4. Use to connect eave clip to sidewall sheet on bins that are
48' diameter and smaller.
5. Use to attach roof panels to flashing on bins that are
48' diameter and smaller
1.300" (3.30 cm)
Grade 8
1.000" (2.54 cm)
Grade 8.2
Bolt (S-7487) is used in the following locations:
1. Use in all sidewall connections for 20 gauge through
10 gauge sidewall to sidewall sheets.
2. Use for horizontal and vertical seam connections for
9 gauge through 8 gauge sidewall sheets.
3. Use in horizontal seam connections for 6 gauge and
5 gauge sidewall sheets.
4. Use when attaching base angle to sidewall sheet on flat
bottom bins.
5. Color of bucket lid is grey.
Do not use to splice the stiffeners together on the
flanges where they connect to each other or the
splice plates.
1.350" (3.43 cm)
Grade 8
1.000" (2.54 cm)
Grade 8.2