9 Appendix
9.1 List of Messages on Display
"Testing ........"
- internal unit tests are started
"UZ 2400 READY ! "
- internal tests is ended successfully, unit is ready to start
"Test CPU: ERR!"
- error by testing CPU
"Test RAM: ERR!"
- error by testing RAM
"Test EPROM: ERR!"
- error by testing EPROM
"Test BUS: ERR!"
- error by testing BUS
"Test RS232: ERR!"
- error by testing interface
- overflow for measuring decades
"CHK: 10.00000MHz"
- diagnostic function for unit: value, unit
"FRA: kHz"
- frequency measurement on channel A: value, unit
"FRC: GHz"
- frequency measurement on channel C: value, unit
"PER: ms"
- period length measurement on channel A: value, unit
"TOT: "
- simple pulse counting on channel A: value
"Gate time: 100ms"
- adjustment for time of measurement: value, unit
"Gate time: 1 s"
"Gate time: 10 s"
"Gate time: 10µs"
"Gate time: 100µs"
"Gate time: 1ms"
"Gate time: 10ms"
"Attenuator: 1:1"
- adjustment for attenuator
"Attenuator: 10:1"
"Set Test Exit"
- additional menu
(the simultaneous pressing of the buttons
"Baud Rate: 1200"
- adjustment for baud rate: value
"Baud Rate: 2400"
"Baud Rate: 4800"
"Baud Rate: 9600"
Operating Instructions UZ 2400