ystem Installa
3.6 A
ssembly of packaged sections
(if applicable):
1. Refer to specific installation documents or
drawings for the package system.
2. Familiarity with the parts requirements and
any referenced documents or drawings will
aid in the piping assembly. All hardware and
gaskets required for re-assembly are supplied.
Final package system connections hardware by
3. Check pipe/pump/fittings/valves end
connections. Any loose scale, paint or dirt must
be removed.
4. Ensure alignment of end connections
between pump/pipe/fittings/valves
Connections must be square.
5. Package piping must be supported
independent of the pump. If package pipe
support is not part of the original package
others should supply it. Package steel base
is designed to provide a structural support
6. Use proper gasket (if required) and install
the individual pump suction & discharge pipe/
fittings/valves with the nuts & bolts provided
(flat & lock washers also provided). Install
the required bolts for the fitting connections
(elbow, wye strainer,and butterfly valve)-to-pipe
connection and tighten bolts to a snug fit.
7. Tighten and torque all pipe connection bolts
as required.
8. Install and/or tighten loose pipe support
brackets as required. Remove any temporary
9. Refer to specific installation documents or
drawings for the package system.
10. Familiarity with the parts requirements and
any referenced documents or drawings will
aid in the piping assembly. All hardware and
gaskets required for re-assembly are supplied.
Final package system connections hardware by
11. Ensure alignment of pipe end connections
between sections. Connections must be square.
Install the required bolts for each of the fitting
connections- (elbow, separator, valve, etc.) -to
pipe connections and tighten bolts to a snug fit.
Gasket may be required.
12. Working from the middle of base sections
to the outside. Snug all base connection bolts
making sure the base channel flanges are flush
top, bottom and side. Torque base connection
bolts to approx. 75 ft/lb
13. Ensure pipe connections are aligned.
Tighten and torque all the pipe connection bolts
as required.
14. Install and/or tighten loose pipe support
brackets and bolts as required.
Other packaged system requirements:
1. Required electrical wiring can now be
connected. A qualified electrician should do
the electrical wiring. Power/control/sensing
runs may be disconnected for package splits or
remote/future use, and tagged with color-coded
tape or with a numbering system.
2. Mount the gauge & switch wing panel.
Required sensing lines can now be connected.
Sensing lines may be disconnected for package
splits or for remote/future use, and tagged with
color-coded tape or with a numbering system.
3. Complete the package system installation
per individual parts provider or manufacturer,
customer, or maintenance instructions