Filter systems GENO-mat KF-Z / MS-Z / AK-Z
Deacidification systems GENO-mat TE-Z
Order no. 035 129 950-inter Edited by: nkes-mrie G:\BA-129950-INTER_035_FILTERANLAGEN_GENO-MAT.DOCX
D Installation and operation
1 | General installation instructions
The installation site must provide adequate space. A foundation of a
sufficient size and adequate carrying capacity must be provided. The
required connections must be provided prior to the installation. For
dimensions and connection data, please refer to table C-1.
For the installation of systems with optional accessories (see
chapter C, item 5), also observe the operation manuals supplied with
these components.
1.1 Water installation
When installing the filter/deacidification systems, certain binding
rules must be observed. Additional recommendations are given in
order to facilitate the handling of the systems. The installation infor-
mation described below is also illustrated in fig. D-2.
Binding rules
The installation of the GENO-mat filter/deacidification systems rep-
resents a major interference with the drinking water system. There-
fore, only authorised experts may install such systems. In Germany,
the installation company must be registered in an installation directo-
ry of a water company as per
12(2) AVBWasserV (German Ordi-
nance on General Conditions for the Supply of Water).
Observe local and general installation guidelines.
Provide a drain connection to discharge the backwash water.
The installation room must have a floor drain (DN 100). If no floor
drain is available, a corresponding safety device has to be in-
Observe the flow direction!
Floor drains that discharge to a lifting system do not work
in case of a power failure.
Provide a sampling valve and a pressure gauge (0-10 bar) directly
upstream and downstream of the filter/deacidification systems.
This simplifies the sampling for the regular determination of the
iron concentration (functional check).