910FS Splicer
Greenlee / A Textron Company
4455 Boeing Dr. • Rockford, IL 61109-2988 USA • 815-397-7070
If High Estimated Loss
Insufficient fiber cleaning.
Dust or dirt on the fiber surface results in bad splice
loss and low tensile strength.
• Clean the fiber surface sufficiently.
• Do not clean the fiber after cleaving to prevent dust
on the fiber end-face.
• Avoid any contact with the fiber end-face.
• Press
to perform an arc calibration as defined
in this instruction manual.
Bad fiber end-face.
• Check the condition of fiber cleaver. If the blade is
worn, rotate the blade to a new position.
• Confirm the “Cleave Limit” setting; 2.0° or less is
Dust or dirt is on the V-groove
or the clamp chip.
Dust or dirt on the V-groove or clamp chip causes
poor fiber movement during fiber adjusting. Clean
them periodically.
Dust or dirt is on the lens or
If dust or dirt exists, clean the lenses or mirrors.
Bad electrode condition.
Replace the electrodes if they appear worn (rounded
tip shape), dirty, or bent.
Inadequate arc power.
Calibrate the arc power with the “Arc Calibration”
Using unsuitable splice mode. Select a suitable splice mode for the fibers to be
“Loss Limit” is set too low.
Increase “Loss Limit” to an adequate limit.
Fibers were spliced after Error
was canceled.
Select the appropriate splice mode from the Other
Inadequate arc parameters in
other splice modes.
Confirm the arc parameters are adequate to splice the
Inadequate estimating
parameters in Other mode.
Confirm the estimating parameters are adequate to
estimate the loss. The MFD mismatch function does
not work for certain types of specialty fibers. In these
cases, set the “MFD Mismatch” to OFF.