9. Arrange the stopper and tubes as shown and insert
them into the tank. Tighten the screw to expand the stopper,
thus sealing the tank. Be certain the fuel line weight (clunk)
at the end of the fuel line inside the tank does not contact
the rear of the tank. Otherwise, the line may become stuck
above the fuel level and discontinue fuel flow.
10. Place a piece of 1/2" [13mm] foam in the bottom of
the tank compartment, but not over the outer throttle
11. Fit the tank into the fuselage. Mark the outside of the
fuselage in the approximate location of the fuel lines from
the tank. Remove the tank. Drill 1/4" [6mm] holes for the fuel
lines. Harden the wood around the holes you just drilled with
thin CA.
12. Guide a 12" [300mm] piece of fuel line through the
holes from the outside. Attach the lines to the tank and fit the
tank in place.
13. Mount your engine to the firewall with the 6-32 x 1/2"
[13mm] SHCS.
Note: The tank hatch will be glued in place later; wait to do
this until after you balance the model, just in case any
weight is needed.
1. Mount the wheels to the landing gear with the 6-32 x
1/4" [6mm] bolts and axle as shown in the sketch.
2. Mount the landing gear to the fuse with two 6-32 x 1/4"
[6mm] bolts.
Mount the Landing Gear