2. Lay a piece of foam rubber in the bottom of the fuselage
just ahead of the servo tray. Install the receiver and battery
on the foam.
3. Drill a 1/16" [1.5mm] hole in the side of the fuselage for
the antenna. Assemble a simple antenna strain relief from
left over servo arms as shown in the sketch. Attach the
rubber band at the end of the antenna wire to the tail wheel
4. At the center of the wing you should have the servo
leads for the flaps and the aileron. Plug the two flap leads
into a “Y” connector and plug the two aileron servo leads into
an additional “Y” harness. Depending on your radio system
you may have the ability to plug each of the servo leads
directly into the receiver. Refer to your particular radio
manufacturer’s instructions to determine the best way to
connect the flaps and ailerons.
5. Following the radio manufacturer’s instructions, connect
the servos, battery and switch to the radio receiver.
6. Place another piece of foam rubber on top of the
receiver and battery after you have plugged in all of the
servos. Hold the foam, receiver and battery in place with
some balsa sticks
(not included in the kit), by gluing the
balsa sticks to the sides of the fuselage.
1. Position the cowl on the front of the fuselage so that
there is a 1/8" [3mm] gap between the front of the cowl and
the spinner backplate. (Note: With our O.S. .61 bolted to the
engine mount and without the muffler mounted to the
engine, the cowling could not be slid over the engine and
onto the fuselage. By removing the head it would fit over the
engine. If the cowling cannot slip over your engine you will
have to make reference marks on the fuselage and then
measure the distance from your reference mark to the front
of the engine. Then, mount the cowl.)