1525P and 1510HDP
Great Plains
| 118-949M | 2018-07-03
Disengage Meter
Uncouple meter drives for the locked-up rows. Pull
shaft out and park pin in shallow detents.
Equipment Damage Risk:
Do not disable meters by removing them or chain drive
damage will occur.
Shut off Y-tube port for the current row unit.
Repeat for all rows needing lock-up.
Reset marker extension (page 60).
Reset monitor active row pattern and row spacing to
avoid nuisance alarms.
Unit-Mount Cleaner Adjustments
Refer to Figure 114 and Figure 115
Optional Martin row cleaners are unit-mounted, using:
UMRC: Unit-Mount Row Cleaner (stand-alone), or
UMC-RC: Unit-Mount Coulter RC (on coulter bracket,
with or without a coulter disk present).
There are two adjustments:
Wheel placement (forward or aft mounting hole, for
more or less aggressive cleaning), and
Wheel height, adjusted by a stop. Cleaner arms float.
The stop only sets the lowest position.
In UMRC mount, a pinned cross-tube
on the mount
adjusts the depth. In UMC-RC (coulter) mount, a sliding
down-stop block
adjusts how close to the ground the
row cleaners operate.
The row cleaner needs to be adjusted for your
conditions, crop changes, and as coulters and openers
wear. Ideally, cleaners contact only the trash, and do not
disturb the soil. If allowed to “dig”, row cleaners can
reduce seed coverage.
Suggested initial depth is tine tips at ground level.
Make the adjustment with the drill raised. Install lift-assist
cylinder locks. Also check bolt
tightness prior to each
planting session, to avoid down-stop slippage.
Equipment Damage Risk:
Do not pin the row unit while it is in the lowered position. If
the pin is inserted below the parallel arm, unit damage will
occur when planting begins.
Figure 113
Row Unit Drive Coupler
Engaged (Left) and
Disengaged (right)
Sharp Object Hazard:
Wear hand protection when working in this area. Row cleaner
tines, casting edges and coulter blades are sharp.
Figure 114
UMRC: Cleaner Adjust