Modifications reserved. No liability for printing errors. 06/2010
Allow the glue to set hard, then push the fin into the slot in the fuselage turtle deck.
Mark the outline of the fuselage on the fin using a felt-tip pen, and the outline of the
rear part of the fin on the top of the fuselage.
Use the tip of a hot soldering iron to melt through the film just inside the marked lines,
and peel off the unwanted material. Apply glue to the fin, the fin slot and the in-fill
piece. Push the fin into its slot, and fit the in-fill piece on the tailplane. The elevator
and rudder can now be attached to the tailplane and fin by fitting the hinges in the
manner already described for the ailerons.
Allow the glue to set hard, then glue the horns in the rudder and elevator as previ-
ously described.
Check that the flange of the threaded sockets lies flat on the control surfaces, and
makes good contact all round.
Allow the glue to set hard, then connect the clevises to the horn lugs as shown in the
photos. Squeeze the crimp sleeves firmly onto the steel pull-cables for the rudder
Install the rudder and elevator servos in the servo plate as shown in the photo, using
the screws supplied in the servo accessory packs. Drill pilot-holes for the screws be-
fore fitting them.