We reserve the right to introduce modifications. Not liable for printing errors!
Ensure that the channel you intend to use is not already in use. Never fly the
model if you are not certain that your channel is free.
Observe the instructions and information regarding your radio control system and
Ensure that the servos are not mechanically obstructed at any point in their travel.
Dry cells and rechargeable batteries must never be short-circuited.
Remove all batteries before transporting and storing the model.
Do not subject the model to intense humidity, heat, cold, or to dirt.
Protect the model and RC equipment against damage during transport.
Pre-flight check
Check for correct functioning and range before every flight. To do so, screw in the
transmitter aerial and extend it fully. Then switch on the transmitter, followed by the
receiver. At an appropriate distance, make sure that all the control surfaces are
working properly and deflecting in the correct direction.
Repeat the check with the motor running, while someone holds the model securely
for you.
The first time you control a model aircraft, it is best to ask an experienced person to
help you with the pre-flight check and during the first few flights.
Care and maintenance
Clean the model carefully after every flight. Also remove any dirt from the
propeller. Clean the model and the RC components using suitable cleaning
agents only. Ask your model shop for information.
If the model is not to be operated for a considerable time, all the moving parts
must be cleaned and re-lubricated.