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Install the rods for the choke flap as shown in the photo. The end is angled so that it
can be activated later through the opening in the engine bonnet. In so doing, make
sure of the following. Do not let it get into the propeller arc.
The silencer is attached to the motor using the included two bolts and seal.
Depending on the motor used, it is necessary to cut or file openings in the engine
bonnet where the silencer and spark plugs, et cetera, protrude. Position the engine
bonnet on the fuselage in such a way that there is about 2 mm clearance between
the spinner base plate and the front edge of the bonnet.
To attach the engine bonnet to the fuselage, the four attachment points also have to be marked
on the engine bonnet. To do so, cut four strips of scrap wood and drill a Ø 3 mm hole in each
one as shown in the photo.
Now each strip is fastened to the fuselage using an M3 Allen screw and taped in
place as shown in the photo.
Unscrew the Allen screws, then push up the engine bonnet so that it moves under
the strips and the spinner base plate is about 1.5-2 mm from the engine bonnet. In
this position, mark the four attachment points on the engine bonnet.