Keine Haftung für Druckfehler. Technische Änderungen vorbehalten! ID# 0058873
26. Using a sharp scalpel blade, cut a central slot in the front face of the wing leading edge on each side as shown,
about 10 mm short of the start of the rounded section. The slots should be deep enough to accommodate the
CFRP turbulators (34). Glue the carbon turbulators in the slots using UHU-por, and sand the ends back flush
with the edge of the wing once the glue has set hard.
Setting up the model
Control surface travels (for the first few flights it is sensible to limit the control surface travels to about 60% of
the values stated below. Do this using Dual Rates, and assign D/R switches if required):
Elevator 50 mm up, 50 mm down
50 mm right, 50 mm left
45 mm up, 45 mm down
Centre of Gravity position: about 75 mm from the wing root leading edge.
First flight:
charge the batteries and check all the model’s working systems. Carry out a range check. Wait for
a day with as little breeze as possible (flat calm is ideal). Now you are ready for the model’s first flight. Ask an
experienced launcher to give the Extra a gentle hand-launch. The motor has plenty of power, and the model
does not need a powerful launch. Adjust the trims if necessary, and take your time to get to know the
aeroplane’s handling characteristics before trying out aerobatics for the first time.
The following items are also required (not included in the kit)
1 x COMPACT 135 7.4 V
Order No. 7736
4 x C 1041 servo
Order No. 5116.LOSE
1 x XP 10 FM 35 MHz receiver
Order No. 7020
1 x 2 LiPo 400 flight battery, 7.4 V / 0.40 Ah
Order No. 7606.2
Optional accessories and tools (not included in the kit)
1 x Styrofoam cyano-acrylate glue (“foam cyano”)
Order No. 5820
1 x UHU POR adhesive
Order No. 959
1 x Cyano-acrylate activator spray
Order No. 953.150
1 x Sanding block
Order No. 1067
1 x Self-adhesive glass fibre tape
Order No. 98709
Radio control system
1 x mc-12 35 MHz radio control set
Order No. 4724
Other Graupner/JR 35 MHz FM radio control systems are also suitable.