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Until the glue hardens, the servos are installed in the corresponding mounts and
fastened into the wing or tailplane.
Extend the servo cables with the corresponding extension cables and secure them
against loosening, for example using a piece of heat-shrink sleeve or a drop of fast-
setting glue. Using the RC system, bring the servos in the middle position and install
the servo levers.
Fasten the servo to the attachment block using the screws included with the servos.
To do so, insert the rubber grommets with the brass hollow rivets, collar downward,
into the servo flange. For drilling Ø 1.5 mm holes for the screws, the hollow rivets can
be used as a drilling template. To make it easier to push them in,
the hollow rivets can be placed onto a screwdriver of the proper size.
Now the servo cables are pulled into the wing halves and tailplane halves using a
thin string. Just behind the connector, tie the string to the cable and pull it in so that it
comes out the wing root.