Parts/Tools Required
5 Gallon Bucket to catch spilled material
5 Gallon Bucket to weigh dispensed material
Weighing scale to measure weight of empty and
filled bucket
Relieve Pressure
Turn off all motors.
Turn the main panel power handle to the off position
and lockout.
Relieve air pressure, hydraulic fluid pressure, and
chemical line pressure. See
Change Orifice
Place a spill bucket under the MixHead.
Remove the spill bucket.
Execute Calibration Shot
Unlock the main power handle and turn on.
Turn on control power.
Turn on MixHead.
Turn on the metering pump motor for the chemical
to be calibrated, which will have the one open orifice
at the MixHead.
10. Turn on Manual Mode.
11. Log in to gain access to the Scaling screen.
12. Measure the weight of the clean, dry, and empty cal-
ibration bucket in grams. Record this measurement
or tare the scale.
13. Place the calibration bucket in an appropriate loca-
tion to catch the dispensed material.
14. Navigate to the Scaling screen and under “Single
Stream Calibration Shots” press the button labeled
as the chemical to be calibrated.
15. Press the pour start button. A shot lasting the preset
time for the channel selected on the pour pendant
will begin.
Adjust K-Factor as Necessary
16. Remove the calibration bucket, weigh, and calculate
the dispensed material weight.
17. On the scaling screen the weight of the shot calcu-
lated by the machine will be shown. If this matches
the weight of material dispensed then the machine
is accurately calculating the flowrate for that chemi-
cal. If so, move to step 21.
18. If the displayed weight does not match the weight of
the dispensed material, touch the “Test Shot Act
Weight (gm)” and enter the exact weight in grams of
the dispensed material.
19. Record the current K-Factor and then hit the “Calcu-
late New K-Factor.” This will change the K-Factor so
the machine will accurately calculate dispensed
Repeat to Test New K-Factor
20. Repeat the procedure as desired to test flow mea-
surement accuracy with new K-Factor.
The calibration procedure consists of dispensing
one chemical at a time to measure the exact weight
dispensed, without worrying about chemical reac-
tions. To do this, the manual valve on the gun
needs to be closed for the chemical line not being
The closed manual valve prevents spilling of the
chemical not being calibrated during the calibration
shot. It also prevents contaminating unused chemi-
cal line when the material piston is withdrawn dur-
ing the shot.
Because this procedure is for fine-tuning, having
even a small amount of material splash out of the
bucket will affect the calibration effectiveness. The
bucket should be held at an angle to prevent mate-
rial splashing.