Night Mode Operation
Night Mode Operation
Night Mode is used to maintain chemical temperature
and to circulate the chemicals in low-pressure circula-
tion during periods when the machine is not is use, such
as at night or over a weekend. At specified intervals
Night Mode cycles the pumps on and off. If installed, the
temperature control may also be cycled on and off. Dur-
ing Night Mode, the agitators may be turned on or off
when desired but will not cycle on or off with the
“on-time” and “off-time” periods. To run agitators, simply
turn them on as usual either before or after beginning
Night Mode.
When Night Mode is turned on, the period of time known
as “off-time” begins. The machine stays at rest for the
specified amount of time, which will be displayed on the
screen and counted down until the time has elapsed.
When the specified duration for off-time has elapsed,
the period known as “on-time” begins. During on-time,
the Iso and Poly Pumps are on. The Temperature Con-
trol will also be activated. Just as in off-time, the amount
of time remaining will be displayed on the screen. When
on-time has elapsed, the pumps are turned off and
off-time begins. This sequence of going from off-time to
on-time and back will continue until Night Mode is turned
To see how the night mode information is displayed, see
, page 19.
Starting Night Mode
A small “Ready” indicator is located just under the words
“Night Mode” on the Machine Control Screen. The
“Ready” indicator on the Machine Control Screen will
show green when all requirements for turning Night
Mode on have been satisfied. If the “Ready” indicator is
not green, then Night Mode cannot be turned on.
The following requirements must be met to start night
Main and Control power on
Iso Pump turned off
Poly Pump turned off
Requirements for Continuing
Night Mode
If any of the following requirements are not met, night
mode will stop.
Control power on
Manual mode selected
Iso and Poly Pump Motor Overload alarms inactive
Iso and Poly Metering System Inlet Low-Pressure
alarms inactive
Iso and Poly High-Pressure alarms inactive
Iso and Poly Tank Low-Level alarms inactive
Night mode enables machine operation when person-
nel are not present. If the machine encounters a prob-
lem during Night mode, such as a hose rupture or
electrical problem, property damage may result.
See F
Once Night Mode is on, the previous items cannot
be started until Night Mode is turned off.