m908 User Manual, Rev. G
speaker reference level
Adjusts the speaker reference level. Range is <0 to 100>
in 0.5dB steps. This parameter represents the reference level that is displayed (when
speaker level display mode = reference level) at the current volume setting. Available
range is the current volume s/- 100 in 0.5 steps. This parameter is the same for all
speaker outputs.
The following is an example of how the reference level may be configured for an
82dBSPL reference listening level:
Play and monitor a nominal level noise source.
Adjust the speaker level until the SPL measurement at the listening position equals
Enter SETUP then push-hold the VOLUME encoder to enter the Setup Monitor
screen and navigate to
speaker reference level
parameter. Adjust it to 82.
speaker level disp mode
to <reference>
speaker limit level
Sets the maximum volume level that the Control Room speaker
can be set to.
speaker preset level
Sets the level that the speaker system will go when on push-hold
of the VOLUME encoder while in the Home screen.
speaker power-up level
Sets the volume level that the speaker system will go to
after power up.
lfe input lpf freq
Enables and sets the LFE channel low pass filter cutoff frequency.
Options are <bypass, 80-120hZ>
lfe input gain
Sets the LFE channel gain. Options are <0db, +10dB>
bass management
Enables or disables bass management. Options are: <bypassed,
room equalization
Enables or disables all room correction equalizers. Options are:
<bypassed, enabled>
headphone source
Selects the stereo signal source for the headphone amplifier. Options
are <left/right, downmix, cue 1-8>.
left/right: the headphone source is the same signal feeding Control Room left and
right with mono,l-r and mute behavior as configured in setup menus. If downmix is
active in the CR Outputs the headphones will receive the downmixed signal.
downmix: Inserts the stereo output phones/cue downmixer for monitoring in stereo
when the CR Outputs are monitoring in surround.
cue 1-8: Routes one of the Cue outputs to the headphone amplifier. When a cue is
being monitored on headphones the Cue output routing is still active.
headphone gain
Adjusts the gain of the headphone system to match the sensitivity
of your headphones. Adjustment range is -20dB to +20dB in 0.5dB steps.
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