m908 User Manual, Rev. G
1. <edit> Edit a workflow
2. <load> Load an existing workflow
3. <copy> Copy an existing workflow to a new workflow
4. <new> Create a new workflow from a list of factory workflow templates
5. <import from usb> Import a workflow from a file saved on a USB storage device
6. <export to usb> Save a workflow to a USB storage device
7. <delete> Delete a workflow
Use the VOLUME knob to scroll up and down the list. Push the VOLUME knob to select a
menu item.
6.2.2 Select Workflow To Edit Screen
Selecting <edit> from the main workflow setup screen enters this screen.
The Select Workflow To Edit Screen screen is divided in to two main windows.
In the right hand window there is a list of all of the available user workflows. If this is a new
m908 there will be only one workflow listed (ATMOS 7.1.4) The currently loaded workflow will
be highlighted in the list. At the top of the list is the <exit> menu option.
In the left window is a graphic representation of all of the assigned speaker locations for the
workflow that is highlighted in the list to the right. At the bottom are three small windows that
indicate the following status for the currently highlighted workflow:
1. cues:0-8
2. tb:0,2
3. phones:on-off
To edit a workflow: scroll to the desired workflow and push the VOLUME encoder. This will
open the selected workflow for editing.
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Illustration 36: Select Workflow to Edit Screen