“ 90° Beep on ” — Switch on Beep on rectangle position
“ Setup station first ” — Please setup station before seting BSS
“ Open error ” — Cannot open file
“ T.H. overtop ” — The height of the prism is out of range
“ I.H. overtop ” — The height of the instrument is out of range
“ Dist overtop ” — The value of distance is out of range
“ Press overtop ” — The value of air pressure is out of range
“ temp. overtop ” — The value of air temperature is out of range
“ Cannot calculate ” — The shape is mussy,so area cannot be calculated.
“ Extension error Input as follow (COD,COO,MEA,LSH,LSV) ” — System
can only accept some file such as:*.cod,*.coo,*.mea,*.lsh,*.lsv _
“ Disk is full ” — There is not enough space to save file, delete some unused
“ Max elements should be less than 20! ” — There are 20 or less elements
that can be accepted by the instrument.
“ Mileage overtop! ” — The mileage of the start point is out of range
“ Error:I.P number less than 3! ” — For calculation , the number of the
intersection point should be 3 or more
“ No data(V)! ” — There is not data that define the roadway in vertial