7. Setout Measurement
Setout measurement is used to Setout the required point. The difference between the
previously inputted data to the instrument
the Setout data
and the measured value can
be displayed by measuring the horizontal angle, distance or coordinates of the sighted
The horizontal angle difference and distance difference are calculated and diplayed
using the following formulars:
Horizontal angle difference
dHA=Horizontal angle of Setout data – measured horizontal angle
Distance difference
Distance Displayed item
SD: S-O SD=measured slope distance – slope distance of Setout data
HD: S-O HD=measured horizontal distance – horizontal distance of Setout data
VD: S-O VD=measured height difference – height difference of Setout data
Setout data can be input in various modes: SD, HD, VD, coordinates and REM
EDM settings could be set in this mode.
7. 1 Distance Setout
The point to be found based on the horizontal angle from the reference direction and the
distance from the instrument station.
Position to be Setout
Distance to be Setout
Instrument station
Reference direction
Present target