The indicator light on the charger will illuminate three separate colors for varies
mode conditions:
Solid Red Light — indicates that the charger is working;
Solid Green Light — indicates that the charge has finished;
Flashing Red Light — indicates no battery on charging, poor connection or some
problems exist.
It is recommended to continue charging for 1 or 2 hours after the light turn green.
Once the red light flashes constantly after the charger is plugged into the outlet of
110V-220V AC power supply, please remove the battery and reconnected it after 3
or 5min.
2.2 Setting Up the Instrument
Mount the battery in the instrument before performing this operation because the
instrument will tilt slightly if the battery is mounted after leveling.
1.Set up the tripod first: extend the extension legs to suitable lengths and tighten the
screws on the midsections. Make sure the legs are spaced at equal intervals and the head
is approximately level. Set the tripod so that the head is positioned over the surveying
point. Make sure the tripod shoes are firmly fixed in the ground.
2.Mount the instrument on the tripod head. Supporting it with one hand, tighten the
centering screw on the bottom of the unit to make sure it is secured to the tripod.
2.3 Centering and Levelling-Up
1.Position tripod legs so that the plummet is aimed to the ground mark point. Turn the
focusing ring of the optical plummet to focus.
2.Turn three footscrews of the tribrach till the center of reticle exactly coincides with the
surveying point in any position.