Ordering parts
The pumps covered by this manual have been
designed and built with certain replaceable wearing
parts. The recommended inventory of spare parts
depends upon the installation and the importance
of continued operation.
For critical service requiring a minimum of "down
time" a complete or "quick change" rotating element
is recommended.
For normal service, with repairs to be made in the
field, the following parts are recommended for stock.
1 set of bearings
2 sets of wearing rings
1 set of gaskets and "0" rings
2 mechanical seals (complete)
Parts should be ordered as far in advance of their use
as possible since circumstances beyond the control
of the company may reduce existing stock. Not all
parts are stocked and must be manufactured for
each order.
To facilitate rapid handling of your order for spare
parts, be sure to include the following information:
1. Serial number of the pump.
2. Quantity of each part.
3. Catalog number of the part.
4. Name of the part.
5. Material desired. (Parts will be furnished in original
materials unless specified as a material change.
All material substitutions should be discussed
with the factory.)