Compass Sport_SG_REVA_101014
1. Turn off power.
2. Place the power chair in drive mode.
3. Disconnect the bus cable from the control unit (Joystick).
4. Remove the seat.
5. Remove the rear battery cover.
6. Disconnect the motor harnesses M2 and M1, the power harness, and the bus cable from the power module.
7. Remove the power module from the battery box, by removing the two screws securing it. See figure 17.
8. Install the new power module onto the battery box.
9. Reconnect the motor harnesses M2 and M1, the power harness, and the bus cable to the new power module.
10. Reinstall the battery box cover.
11. Reinstall the seat.
12. Connect the control unit (Joystick) to the bus cable.
13. Power on and test the power chair.
Figure 17. Electrical System
Control Unit (Joystick)
Bus Cable
Battery Cable
Battery Cable
Front Battery
Rear Battery
Left Motor
Right Motor
Motor Harness
Motor Harness
Power Harness
Circuit Breaker
Power Module (LiNX)