TWA Alarms
• A Time Weighted Average (TWA) gas level, is the
average gas level measured over a specifi c period
of time.
Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) - 15 minutes
Long Term Exposure Limit (LTEL) - 8 hours
• Toxic gases have STEL / LTEL alarm set-points.
• The examples below show:
S STEL alarm, with a gas reading of 12PPM and a STEL alarm fl ag.
CO LTEL alarm, with a gas reading of 38PPM and a LTEL alarm fl ag.
Alternates with
Alternates with
Live readings are shown (not calculated averages).
Over Range Alarm
• In the event of the fl ammable gas (LEL) sensor
being exposed to a high concentration of fl ammable
gas, the instrument has an over- range alarm.
• If the LEL sensor is exposed to a gas reading above
100% LEL, EEE will alternate with the HIHI alarm
fl ag.
The ppm range will display the over- range alarm,
EEEE, when the gas reading is above 10,000ppm.
Only when confi gured not to auto-range to LEL.
Alternates with