GMDE GEatom 306KTL
Global Mainstream Dynamic Energy Technology Ltd.
(a) Run information on DC side
(b) Run information on AC side
Figure 25 “Run Info” menu structure
*Note: P
, current charging power; P
, current discharging power;
4.2.4 Fault& Alarm Menu Display
The “fault and alarm” information of the inverter operation is included in this menu. Detailed
description of the faults and warnings information can be found at section 5.3.
Figure 26 “Fault& Alarm” menu structure
4.2.5 Setting Menu Display
Please refer to section 4.3 for the detailed setting items.
4.2.6 “Inv Info.” Menu Display
The manufacture and software version information for the inverter is stored in this menu.
Figure 27 Menu structure of Inverter information