For customer service call:
0044 (0)1773 828100
Technical helpline: 0044 (0)1773 828300
For General and Sales enquiries:
Tel. 0044 (0)1773 824141
Fax: 0044 (0)1773 820569
To register your Glow-worm appliance call:
0044 (0)208 247 9857
Guarantee Registration
Thank you for installing a new Glow-worm appliance in your home.
Glow-worm appliances are manufactured to the very highest standard so we are pleased to offer our
customers a Comprehensive Guarantee.
This product is guaranteed for 24 months from the date of installation or 30 months from the date of
manufacture, whichever is the shorter, for parts. In addition this product is guaranteed for 12 months
from the date of installation or 18 months from the date of manufacture, whichever is the shorter, for
The second year of the parts guarantee, from the beginning of the 13th month onwards after installation
or manufacture, is conditional upon the boiler having been serviced by a CORGI registered gas installer,
in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. We strongly recommend regular servicing of
your gas appliance, but where the condition is not met, any chargeable spare parts or components
issued within the applicable guarantee period still benefit from a 12 month warranty from the date of
issue by the manufacturer.
We recommend you complete and return as soon as possible your guarantee registration return
literature, supplied in the document envelope.
If your guarantee registration return literature is missing you can obtain a copy or record your registration
by telephoning the Heatcall Customer Service number 0044 (0)1773 828100.