202-INST-US-001 v1.0
11 Dec 2020
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Step 13
Tile the Roof and Install Soakers
Before tiling, take the opportunity to check the weathering (overlap) of the aprons and flashings and to check the silicone
sealing the jambs.
Tile up to the batten below the product. Fold and boss the sill flashing into final position.
Figure 13a
Sill tiled and sill flashing finished
Tile to either side of the product, installing the soakers as you go.
Figure 13b
Jambs tiled and soakers installed
Tile above the product. Glazing Vision recommends that eaves tiles are used immediately above.
Figure 13c
Roof tiled above the head
Do not apply any interior finishes yet. Refer to the relevant following section to set up the mechanisms and initialize the
Once installation has been completed take photographs of the finished installation. These must be retained for future
Eaves tiles