202-INST-US-001 v1.0
11 Dec 2020
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Installation Procedure
Note that the installation shown here is a standard installation, using tiles at 4-
gauge. Other installations differ superficially, but the
installation process is similar. All of the images in this guide are diagrammatic. They should be used as a reference only and may not be
a true representation of your installation. Please refer to Glazing Vision’s sales drawings throughout the installation.
Figure D
Example of standard installation (duplication of figure A)
Ensure that you have read and understood the entire installation instructions section before starting.
The surrounding roof should not yet be felted or battened, this will be covered in the installation instructions.
Prior to commencing installation, photographs of the fully weathered supporting structure and surrounding area must
be taken and retained for future reference.
Step 1
Install, Trim and Finish the Roofing Underlay (Felt or Membrane)
Trim and then fold the underlay back on itself as shown. The underlay should be folded back on the structure that will support the
product. If desired, a layer of silicone can be used to seal the cut edge down.
If a sunken installation is used, the secondary fillet (not supplied) should be underneath the underlay.
Figure 1
Roofing underlay installed and prepared
Cut edge of underlay
folded back