202-INST-US-001 v1.0
11 Dec 2020
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Step 6
Apply the Butyl Tape to the Jambs
butyl tape (supplied as part of flashing kit if specified, otherwise use approx.
double-sided butyl tape) to the full length of
the gutter lip on both jambs (sides).
Figure 6a
Butyl tape applied to jambs
Figure 6b
Butyl tape applied to jamb
Step 7
Place the Jamb Aprons in Position
Place the jamb aprons in position (use the roofing underlay supplied as part of the flashing kit if specified, otherwise use roofing underlay
of at least 39-
in width). The aprons should be at least 5-
longer than the external span of the product. The bottom edge of each
apron should lap over the sill flashing and should align with the bottom edge of the product sill. The aprons may be tacked in position
to the rafters/counter-battens below.
Figure 7a
Jamb aprons positioned
Apply butyl to full
length of gutter lip
Lay butyl tape
over gutter lip
Length of
jamb apron
Bottom edge of jamb
apron to align with sill
edge of product and
overlap sill flashing
Difference of at least 5-
Approx. 39-