Wireless remote control, 2-gang, Wireless remote control, 4-gang
Parameter name
Setting options, Basic setting
Operating mode
App use, lock-out protection,
forced operation, wind alarm,
sun protection, twilight
Basic setting: App use
Setting the type of scene used
for a scene button. Setting is
always made in pairs.
Advanced device settings
Parameter name
Setting options, Basic setting
Manual commissioning
On, Off
Basic setting: On
Disables manual commission-
ing for all device channels.
Note: In the "Off" setting, the
device cannot be reset to the
factory setting.
Extended channel settings
Parameter name
Setting options, Basic setting
Manual commissioning
On, Off
Basic setting: On
Blocks manual commissioning
for the device channel.
Note: In the "Off" setting, the
device cannot be reset to the
factory setting.
Local Operation
On, Off
Basic setting: On
Blocks the device channel for
local operation.
10 Troubleshooting
After a button has been pressed, the status LED flashes red slowly for 3 seconds.
Cause: Battery in the hand-held transmitter is almost empty.
Changing the battery (see chapter Commissioning – Inserting the battery).
Receiver does not react, status LED displays a transmission error. Status LED flashes red
quickly for 3 seconds.
Cause 1: Radio range exceeded. Structural obstacles reduce the range.
Using a radio repeater.
Cause 2: Actuator is not ready for operation.
Check the actuator and mains voltage.
Cause 3: There are radio faults, e.g. through outside radio.
Eliminate radio interference.
The actuator causing the transmission error can be removed from the display of transmis-
sion errors. To do this, briefly press the Prog button of the hand-held transmitter during
signalling. The status LED lights up red. During this time, do not press any buttons on the
hand-held transmitter. The actuator is automatically taken into account again when it
transmits a status message after radio transmission.
After a button has been pressed, the status LED flashes red quickly for 3 seconds.
Cause: Maximum permitted transmission period (statutory Duty Cycle Limit) has almost been
reached. For the function of the transmitter to continue, the polling and display of the sum status
will be switched off. As soon as sufficient transmission time is available again, the sum status
will again be polled on button actuation.
Actuate the transmitter again after a short waiting time, normally a few seconds.
Reduce the number of actuations.
Reduce the number of actuators connected to the transmitter.
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