Troubleshooting the M02774 Power Supply Board
Page 22
MDE-4133B Power Supply Kit M00016K003 Installation Manual • November 2003
Local Operating Network (LON) Power Problem
A LON power problem can appear as pump power cycling off and on every 2 or 3 seconds, or
as the pump logic boards having no power. See the following If/Then table.
If ...
Then ...
Pump power
cycles off and on
every 2 to 3
Power off the dispenser.
Disconnect 5-pin P1402 connector to the pump or CRIND node (
Reapply power to dispenser.
If the power cycling stops, the pump or CRIND node may be defective.
If the cable goes to a car wash kiosk, pin 3 on the cable might need to be
Note: The cable to a car wash kiosk should have a 002 suffix; all other CRIND cables
should have a 001 suffix.
Pump logic
boards have no
power - CR17 is
not lit (
Disconnect 3-pin P607 connector from M02774 board (
Measure AC voltage between pins 1 and 3 on the cable connector.
• If voltage across pins 1 and 3 is in 17 VAC and 35 VAC range, the M02774 board
may be defective.
• If voltage across pins 1 and 3 is not in 17 VAC and 35 VAC range, the
transformer on the M02274 power supply assembly may be defective.
Disconnect 5-pin P1402 connector from M02774 board (
Measure resistance across pins 1 and 5 on the cable connector.
• If 800 ohms or more, reconnect the cable to P1402, and power up the dispenser.
This procedure is over.
• If under 800 ohms, proceed to next step.
To find bad node or board, temporarily disconnect each node/board one at a time
, and measure the resistance across pins 1 and 5 on the
• If 800 ohms or more with board disconnected, replace the disconnected node/
• If under 800 ohms and each node/board has been temporarily disconnected,
proceed to next step.
Note: Components using 18 V include all nodes and the monochrome board. The
pump node receives 18 V from a direct plug-in while all other nodes receive 18 V
over the LON cable.
If no bad board or node is found, a cable problem could exist. Use a test cable to
temporarily replace each cable in the chain, measuring ohms (800 or more), until
defective cable is found.
• If no defective cable is found, escalate the problem through normal channels.
• If defective cable is found, proceed to next step.
Replace defective cable.
Reconnect all nodes/boards and cables.
Power up dispenser.