A Appendix
Measurement Modes
original pulse:
transferred pulse:
Short pulses are transformed to pulse length greater 20ms. Therefore, with
100µs ADC sample time, every pulse is sampled at a minimum of 200 times.
With optimal offset compensation the total electronic pulse energy measure-
ment error is within ±1%.
This principle of operation is also valid for a chain of pulses (one pulse chain
can be considered to be one pulse).
Pulse Energy Measurement
The pulse measurement must be started manually by pressing <run / stop>
key. Next the pulse signal has to be triggered. The P
9710 samples the input
signal for the defined time (“Pulse Measurement Time”) or until <run / stop>
key is pressed again. The P
9710 calculates the sum (integral over the time) of
the complete measurement window (“Pulse Measurement Time”).
input signal:
pressing “run / stop” key starts the measurement
It is important, that the pulse measurement is started (by pressing <run / stop>
key) some time (0.5s – 1s) before the pulse signal occurs. The measurement
window (“Pulse Measurement Time”) should also be set long enough to catch
the whole pulse signal.
For device variant
4 it is possible to trigger pulse measurement by an external
signal at trigger input (low active). First key "run / stop" has to be pressed.
Then the device waits for the trigger signal. After the trigger signal is applied,
the measurement is performed.