3 Performing measurements
Menu description “Substitution”
Performs the measurements to get the factor for substitution error compensa-
tion. The factor is calculated from the ratio of a black standard measurement
and the probe measurement.
Menu description “Setup”
sets the measurement time (100µs
5.9999s). For this peri-
od of time the input signal is sampled (every 100µs) and the average value of
the samples is calculated and displayed.
If the input signal has big AC components, to obtain a stable measurement
result it may be useful to set the integration time to an integer multiple of the
AC time period of the input signal!
"Dose Run Time“
sets the max. time for dose measurement (1s to 1000h).
After this time dose measurement is automatically stopped.
"Dose Maximum“
sets the max. dose value for dose measurement. If this
dose value is reached, dose measurement is automatically stopped.
"Dose CW Display“
sets the display mode for dose measurement. If
"CW Display"
is selected, the upper display row shows the actual CW value
and the lower display row shows the dose value. If
"No CW Display"
is select-
ed, the upper display row shows the dose value and the lower display row
shows the dose unit.
"Logger Time“
sets the sample time for logger mode (0.1s to 5999.9s and 0).
Every elapsed sample time a new actual CW value is stored in the logger
memory. If sample time 0 is set, a new CW value is stored in logger memory
by Pressing <enter> key.
"Logger Synch.“
enables to lock the measurement acquire clock to the logger
clock. If active, the "Integration Time" has to be at least 40ms shorter then the
"Logger Time".
“Zero Adjust Mode“
selects the mode for the internal electronic zero adjust-
ment (not the external dark current!). If
"Range Switch"
is selected, every
time the measurement range is changed an internal zero adjustment is made.
"Each Measurement"
performs an internal zero adjustment each measure-
ment period (integration time).
"Fixed Values"
performs a one time zero ad-