Guidelines / Manual
BTS256-LED Tester / Page 22
Software for Remote Control Measurements and Documentation ( Continued )
Version 01.2009-01
Once the lamp stabilizes a test meas-
urement (1) should be done to check if
the lamp is on and if the array satura-
tion is in the expected range of >50%
and <90% (2). If the array saturation is
too low or too high the integration time
must be set to a higher or lower value
(3). After entering a new integration
time a new test measurement should
be started.
Next the substitution measurement
routine is started (4).
First the auxiliary lamp flux is measured
with the sphere set-up as it is in calibra-
tion conditions. This means no sample
and no ambient light at the sphere
measurement port (5)!
The measurement of the “empty
sphere” is confirmed in the info window
Second, auxiliary lamp flux as influ-
enced by the test sample (DUT) is
measured. The DUT including accesso-
ries ( e.g. mount adapter, leads) is
placed in measurement position at the
spheres measurement port (7).
The measurement of the auxiliary lamp
flux influenced by the DUT and the cal-
culated substitution factor is confirmed
in the info window (8).
If the substitution measurement
is done without influence of the auxil-
iary flux the substitution factor must be
1.000 as shown in our example !
The substitution factor can be stored
(9) for future use (10).