9900-1BC Batch Controller Manual
Set K-Factor (pulses per unit volume) according to Flow Sensor manual.
Min: 0.0001, Max: 999999. Cannot be zero. Default = 60.0000.
In Simple Mode, the K-Factor will be used for all batches. In Advanced Mode, there is one K-Factor for each
stored batch. See NOTE in Calibration section for Volume Calibration procedure.
sets the volume of each count of the Totalizer as a multiple of the volume unit of the K-Factor.
Min: 0.0001, Max 999999. Cannot be zero. Default = 1.0000.
Volume Calibration
Enter the dispensed volume so the 9900 can calculate a K-Factor.
Refer to Volume Calibration section on page 24 for procedure.
Relays and 4-20 mA output will be suspended during Volume Calibration (does not apply for Relays
used for Batch or Two Stage mode). Relays in pulse mode will suspend pulsing during Volume Calibration.
Select Overrun Compensation
(ADVANCED Mode only) Automatic or Manual.
Automatic Overrun Compensation
(ADVANCED Mode only) measures flow during the batch cycle and
any excess flow after the batch stops is considered an overrun. The batch controller then automatically
reduces the next batch size by the overrun value. For the next batch the batch contact will de-energize early,
closing the flow control valve early and eliminating batch overrun.
Manual Overrun Compensation
(ADVANCED Mode only) When Manual Compensation is enabled,
a batch will be stopped when the dispensed batch volume reaches an amount equal to the batch size
volume minus the Manual Overrun Compensation volume.
To disable Overrun Compensation, select Manual Overrun Compensation and set value to 0.00.
Calibration Date
Enter date of calibration (mm-dd-yyyy) and initials of calibrator (ii).
Customize Label
If desired, a custom name can be entered. Enter 13-character string.
Default = BATCH.
Freq or S
If your flow sensor is configured for frequency output, select FREQ.
If configured for Digital (S
L) output (recommended), select S3L. Default = FREQ.
Batch Size
Set batch size and batch name of up to ten stored batches.
Setting batch size to zero hides the batch in VIEW Mode. One batch must be non-zero.
Same batch names can be assigned to multiple batches.
Batch Units
Enter up to four characters to define Batch Units.
Default = GAL. (Actual calculations are determined by the K-Factor).
Divide this unit by Flow Timebase to get Flow Units.
Totalizer Units
Identifies the Totalizer Units. It has no effect on any calculation.
Default = GALLONS.
Flow Units
Identifies the Flow Units. It has no effect on any calculation.
Flow Units equal Batch Units divided by Flow Timebase. Default = GPM.
Flow Timebase
Select S (seconds), M (minutes), H (hours), or D (days). Default = M.
Batch Confirmation
Select Batch Confirmation option. Choose ON, OFF, or PWD (password).
Default = OFF.
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