2. Set motion detection area and sensitivity.
Click the “Area and Sensitivity” tab to go to the
interface as shown below.
Move the “Sensitivity” scroll bar to set the sensitivity. Higher sensitivity value means that
motion will be triggered more easily.
“Add” and click “Draw”. Drag the mouse to draw the motion detection area; Select
“Erase” and drag the mouse to clear motion detection area.
After that, cl
ick the “Save” to save the settings.
3. Set the schedule for motion detection. The schedule setup steps of the motion detection
are the same as the schedule recording setup (See
5.3.2 Other Alarms
SD Card Full
1. Go to Config
SD Card Full.
Click “Enable” and set the alarm holding time.
3. Set alarm trigger options. The setup steps are the same as motion detection. Please refer
to motion detection chapter for details.