3. Go to t
he router’s management interface through IE browser to forward the IP address
nd port of the camera in the “Virtual Server”.
Router Setup
4. Open the IE browser and enter its WAN IP and http port to access. (for example, if the http
port is changed to 81, please enter
“” in the address bar of web browser
to access).
Access through PPPoE dial-up
Network connection
Access the camera through PPPoE auto dial-up. The setup steps are as follow:
1. Go to Config
Port menu to set the port number.
2. Go to Config
PPPoE Config menu. Enable PPPoE and then enter
the user name and password from your internet service provider.
3. Go to Config
DDNS menu. Before configuring the DDNS, please apply for a
domain name first. Please refer toDDNS configuration for detail information.
4. Open the IE browser and enter the domain name and http port to access.