V1.0 September 2017
Cables should be marked with a unique identification system. Where multiple
cables are to be grouped together along one route, markings should be
repeated at regular intervals along the cable, so that in the event of cable
damage, there may be a chance that the identification could be exposed and
the cables re
joined. Multiple cable marks are particularly important close to the
ends of the cables. The spacing of markings can vary according to specific site
requirements. As a guide, 5m to 10m is commonly applied, but closer spacing
nearer the ends.
Obtain any tools necessary to carry out the installation. The following is a brief
list of tools typically used during the installation of In
Place Inclinometers. Some
variation and addition may be necessary for different types of application.
Fibre measuring tape with a weight added to the end for borehole depth
Installation fork
Support rope
Suitable readout
Lifting equipment (for deep installations) which must meet all local safety
(Continued from page 11)