Copyright 2006-2015 © Geoscanners AB
Setup Panel
The setup panel is always available on the right side of
the screen when the control software is in setup mode.
By default the “Scan” tab is open and the “Gain”, “Filters”
and “Wheel Calibration” are contracted. Pressing on these
buttons will open that particular part of the control unit
You can always return to setup mode by pressing the
corresponding icon in the main tool bar or by pressing
Ctrl+E on your keyboard
The “Scan” box contains all the settings related to the
acquisition of one trace and the quick setup select drop
down menu.
The “Gain” box has in it all the settings for applying gain
to the incoming data.
The “Filters” box gives us the possibility to change the
settings for all the filters implemented in GAS™.
Finally, the “Wheel Calibration” button has all the required
controls for calibrating and selecting the survey wheel.
It is important to note that as soon as you start changing
settings in the setup panel the data acquisition is stopped
immediately. This however, doesn’t mean that the new
settings have been transferred to the control unit and
applied to the next acquisition. To apply the changes
to the control unit it is necessary to press the “Apply”
button. The unit will start downloading the new setup
to the control unit and when all parameters have been
successfully transferred to the radar a new acquisition will
start automatically. During setup no data is stored and the
acquisition rate is somewhat slower than during collection
Let’s go now in greater detail through the settings in each
of the setup boxes to gain a better understanding on how
the work and affect the quality of the acquired data.