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ZENITH04 is a highly integrated handheld mobile termi-
nal, with an 806MHz processor, 4G -board FLASH memo-
ry, high-capacity battery, integrated wireless access cap-
ability diversification (including GPRS, WIFI and Blue-
tooth). For integrating many functions, it can be very
convenient to collect, store and transfer data in the wild
using the ZENITH04. With the built-in high performance
GPS Receiver, you can calculate the position, navigate
and get 1-3m real-time high-quality data. You can use
the 5M pixels digital camera capture color pictures as well
to provide integration solutions for the natural resource
management and assets management.
Modular production process-the product is made up of the
standard modules. Control every aspect during producing
to increase the capacity on the one hand and decrease
failure rate, improve the product quality on the other
hand. The advanced production technology and superior
product performance ensure the equipment efficient, tab-
le and durable. It provides every GIS users unpreceden-
ted new experience.