G406S User Guide Document: G406S-2
value will change to more than 900 pixels. It is possible the final image position will not be at desired
location under this condition.
12 Step 8 – Save System Settings through Remote Controller
After finishing system settings, user can save the setting by OSD menu through [Menu]
[Index 1-5].
[Save] Profile will take effect for two channels at the same time.
User can recall (load) the setting through IR remote controller.
Five different display settings can be saved to [Profile]. The data stored in Profile include EDID
setting, input source, output resolution, color settings and all user customized settings.
When user power off the system, G406s will save user setting without loss even the setting is not
saved into Profile Index, unless someone to change the setting.
When system has been reset from OSD menu or update new Firmware, Profile data will still be
kept inside G406s.
13 Load Profile Index through Remote controller
Press [Profile] shortcut key
Select number keys 1-5 directly to recall Index 1 – Index 5.
Profile Load will apply to two channels at the same time.
14 Important notice for video wall settings
14.1 Image distortion and aspect ratio issues
If the content aspect ratio is different from video wall, it will cause image distortion. User can adjust
aspect ratio through [Overlap] settings. However, user will have two choices:
Full screen display but some content will be drawn outside border.
Draw the image into video wall and keep some blanking borders at some edges.
14.2 If the signal is from PC, user can set customized EDID in GeoBox to let PC output the right output
resolution. Some PC may not follow GeoBox EDID resolution and require customized output setting
from display card.
14.3 User can try to change EDID resolution to another resolution, wait for response from PC, then set to the
required EDID resolution again. Some PC will output desired resolution after this process.