The instrument is still at Site D. Aim at Staff A
and screw down the protective cover. Poke the
adjusting screw of reticle by the glignment to
make the center of cross wire of reticle coincide
with a3. Then screw up the protective cover and
calibrate again according to the above method at
Calibration of bright line of warning indication
window of compensator
Centralize the circular bubble precisely. Then the
bright line in the indication window should coinci
de basically with the triangular notch, otherwise
calibration is needed. The method is as follows:
Open the plug covers on both sides of instru
ment, and the adjusting mechanism shown as
Figure 5 appears. Loosen Screw 1 and move it
up and down to adjust the clarity of bright line.
Loosen Screw 2 and move Slider 3 left and right
to adjust the location of bright line. Turn Jack
screw 4 to adjust the skew of bright line. Tighten
the screw and spread a little glue or varnish then
screw up the plug cover.