Instrument leveling
Rotate three foot screws to centralize the circular
bubble. The operating process is as follows: turn
the telescope to make sure the collimation axis
is parallel to or perpendicular to the connecting
line of any two foot screws, then turn two foot
screws to the opposite direction at the same time
to move the bubble to the center line of two foot
screws, and then turn the third foot screw to
centralize the circular bubble.
Staff collimation
Adjusting diopter: put the telescope to the light,
and turn the telescope anticlockwise while the
reticle becomes obscure, then turn the telescope
clockwise slowly and stop turning when the
reticle is clear.
Aiming at the target by the coarse optical pointer
coarsely: observe by two eyes when aiming
coarsely, one eye watch the cross wire in the
pointer, and the other eye watch the target. Turn
the telescope to make the cross wire coincide
with the target.
Aiming at the target precisely after focusing:
screw down the braking hand wheel while the
focusing hand wheel makes the target image
clearly on the reticle. Then turn the eyes up,
down, left and right. There will be no relative
displacement between the target and the scribed
line on the reticle, namely no parallax. Then turn
the jogging hand wheel to aim at the target pre
cisely. The warning indication widow should be
totally green at the moment, then read the staff.
The locations of all geometrical axes have been
fully calibrated before delivering the instrument.
The geometrical axes may be in wrong places
due to transportation or long term usage, so geo
metrical axes should be examined and calibrated
before surveying.
Nivelarea Instrumentului
Rotiti de cele 3 suruburi cu picior pentru a centraliza
bula. Procesul consta in urmatoarele: asezati nivela cu
axa de colimatie perpendicular cu linia imaginara dintre
doua suruburi, rotiti de ele in sens diferit fiecare,
amandoua odata, astfel incat sa se pozitioneze bula in
centru axei create, prin miscare stanga-dreapta. Apoi,
actionati de cel de-al treilea surub pentru miscarea bulei
fata-spate, pana la o centrare corecta.
Colimatia Stadiei
Ajustati dioptria: indreptati nivela catre o zona deschisa la
culoare si actionati in sensul invers acelor de ceasornic
pana cand vedeti clar cele 2 linii reticulare perpendiculare
Indreptati nivela si tintiti catre stadie, folosind sistemul
optic de vizare grosiera. Apoi actionati asupra surubului
de focusare aflat lateral, pana la o vizare clara a imaginii.
Miscati din surubul de reglaj fin, pana pozitionati liniile
reticulare corect pe tinta. Daca indicatia de avertizare
este verde, puteti sa ititi valoarea de pe stadie.
CALIBRAREA (de catre personal specializat)
Locațiile de toate axele geometrice au fost
etalonate complet înainte de livrarea instrumentului.
Axele geometrice pot fi în locuri greșite din cauza
transportului sau utilizare pe termen lung, astfel axele
geometrice ar trebui să fie examinate și calibrate
înainte de masurare.