Optima 251
The Optima 251 display is preprogrammed with factory
settings which is uploaded to the ventilation unit PCB
when starting up the ventilation unit for the first time.
The factory setting is only a basic setting that should be
adapted to the operating desires and demands for the
dwelling in question to achieve the most effective
utilisation and operation of the system.
5.1 Operating and changing data in the
operating menu
Normally the symbols for daily operating options are
displayed and the following keys can be seen.
K1 - Speed
Use this function to set the fan speed to levels 0-1-2-3-4.
Use the key next to the “Speed” symbol to change between
the 4 speeds. The system can also be stopped by holding
down the key for 3-4 seconds on condition that item 28 of
the Service menu is set to ON.
K2 - Forced operation (Party mode)
Use this function/key to set the timer to party mode from
0 to 9 hours. If the number of hours is set to 0, speeds 3
and 4 will run until the speed is changed manually. If the
the number of hours is set between 1 and 9 hours, speeds
3 and 4 will automatically reconnect to speed 2 after the
number of hours configured.
K3 - Reheating
Use this function to switch the reheater on and off. On the
key next to the symbol “reheating” you can change between
“+” and “÷”. If the symbol is set to “+” and the system is
equipped with a reheater the heater will commence as
required. If the symbol is set to “÷”, the heater will not
commence, even if required.
K4 - Main menu
Use this function to enter the main menu and access the
sub-items Date and time, Calendar, User menu, Display,
Info operation and Service menu.
K5 - Filter
Use this function to reset the filter alarm. The key next to
the “Filter” symbol resets the alarm for filter change. To
reset the filter alarm, change the filters and hold down the
key with the “Filter” symbol until the exclamation mark in
the symbol disappears.
K6 - Information
Use this function to get an overview of the current
operating condition, e.g. temperatures, fan settings, relay
status/function ON/OFF, alarms, timers etc.
Use the key next to the symbol “Info” to read the operating
condition of the unit. More information can be found in the
main menu section under the item Info operation.
K7 - Temperature
Use this function to set the desired temperature if the
system is equipped with an reheater and/or a bypass
damper. Press the key next to the “Temperature” symbol
to enter the desired temperature between 10 and 30 °C.
The current temperature will be displayed at the centre of
the screen.
Press the key K4 to enter the main menu and sub-menus
and the following keys change function:
K3 changes to “Arrow down ” and when changing the
setting to “÷”.
K4 changes to “Enter”. Press “Enter” to proceed through
the menus and sub-menus.
K5 changes to “Arrow up” and when changing the setting
to “+”.
K6 changes to “Exit”. Press “Exit” to return to the
previous screen.
K7 changes to “Help”. Press “Help” to see a short guide
to the current menu item.
The horizontal arrow in the menu shows the current
location. To save changes to a menu item, finish by
pressing “Enter”.