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29-5000 Pneumatik holder_EN C
12 von 28
• Soak the contaminated instrument holder immediately after use in a cleaning
solution (neutral pH detergent), following the manufacturer’s instructions
concerning concentration and duration.
Do not allow contaminated
instrument to dry after use.
• Use a soft brush to clean incrusted stains.
• Rinse thoroughly with distilled water.
• Dry with compressed air.
• After cleaning, reassemble in reverse order; be sure to include the spring.
• Before sterilizing, verify the condition and functioning of the different parts,
particularly the more sensitive parts such as the joints, extension tubing, etc.;
lubricate the moving parts such as the control lever (17) with a special
lubricant for surgical instruments; do not lubricate the ball joints (13 & 14)
• In case of decontamination with a liquid, first dismantle and soak, and then
thoroughly rinse in distilled sterile water.
Pneumatic Central Stand.
• Wipe off any liquid on the device with a gauze pad dipped in alcohol or water.
• Dry with a dry cloth.
• Do not use solvents.
Never expose the central stand to liquids that might penetrate the ball
joints, never put it in a washing machine or ultra sound cleaning
systems as DAMAGE MAY OCCUR. The ball joints (13/14) may not be
oiled, greased or lubricated with other substances.
IV - 2 Sterilisation
Do not sterilize the Pneumatic Endoscope Holder and accessories over 135°C.
Per AAMI TIR 12 1994 “Designing, testing, and Labelling Reusable Medical
Device for reprocessing in Health Care Facilities” the following parameter have
been chosen for achieving effective sterilization:
Steam sterilization by Autoclave for instrument holder and pneumatic central stand
– 18 min – 2 bar
Follow manufacturer’s recommendations for implementation of Asepsis
• If the pneumatic stand is not sterile, see section V-3 Sterile drapes.
• If the pneumatic stand is sterilized, see section V-4.