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29-5000 Pneumatik holder_EN C
10 von 28
NOTE: For dismantling follow the reverse order.
Please read also attachment “ C” carefully.
III-3 Connection to the central pressure supply
The Pneumatic Endoscope Holder can be connected through the extension tube line
(33); directly to the central pressure supply of the OR; different adapters (36) are
available. A pressure between 7
– 8 bar is considered optimal.
III-4 Connection to pressure cylinders
Make sure that the seal of pressure reducer (3) is in good condition. Visually inspect
the hose for wear or damage. Do not use the device if any damage is visible. Then
connect the pressure reducer by tightening the screw (2) firmly
by hand
Connect the end of the hose (32) directly to the connector of the pressure reducer if
the bottle is placed under the OR-table, or use an extension hose with quick
connectors (34/33).
Always keep the pressure cylinder in an upright position with the tap facing up.
Never use pressure cylinders in horizontal position, or with tap facing
Never lubricate the joints or pressure reducer rings
Never try to unscrew the reducer (2) while the tap (1) is open, or while
the circuit is under pressure. Frist, turn off the tap, bring the pressure in
the circuit down (by pressing on the Pneumatic Endoscope Holder
control lever). Then unscrew the connection (2) by hand.
III-5 Putting the unit under pressure and testing
Avoid putting the Pneumatic Endoscope Holder under pressure when it is not
attached properly on the stand.
Bottle supply
: turn on the tap (1) and make sure that there is no leakage. For CO
the manometer must display a pressure of 50 bar (700psi). If it is under 30 bar (
435psi), change or refill the bottle.