This is necessary when replacing a module or adding a new
module to the network in order to assign a correct node
address and communication speed.
For a Master module (GFX-M1...), simply set the rotary selector
to the position you want, then energize the electrical panel.
For a Slave module (GFX-S1...), do as follows.
1) Cut power to the Geflex modules.
2) Disconnect the serial cable from the Geflex Master.
3) Turn the rotary selector of the Slave to be inserted to
position “0”.
4) Turn the rotary selector of the Master to position “A”.
5) Turn on power to the Geflex modules.
6) Check that the green "STATUS" LED of the Slave is flashing
at high frequency (10 Hz).
7) Check that the green "STATUS" LED of the Master is
flashing at medium frequency (5Hz).
8) During this phase, the new module learns the speed and
address (decimal part).
9) The procedure is finished when all of the green "STATUS"
LEDs flash at a normal frequency (2 Hz).
10) Cut power to the Geflex modules.
11) Connect the serial cable to the Geflex Master module.
12) Return the rotary selector on the Geflex Master to the
position assigned at point.
The new node address parameter is saved permanently in
each Geflex, so you will not have to activate the "AUTONODE"
sequence at future power-ups.
Steps 1, 4, 5, 8 and 11 are necessary only for
Geflexes with firmware 1.0x. In later versions, when
the rotary selector is moved, the green "STATUS"
LED remains on steadily for about 6 seconds, after
which it resumes its normal operation, saving the
4.3 “CHANGE” sequence
4.4 Software On/Off
This function is obtained with the digital input if configured (diG
= 6).).
All outputs (control and alarms) are OFF (logic level 0, relays
de-energized) and all the instrument control functions are
inhibited except for "ON" function and serial dialog.
The PV input continues to be sampled
If software on/off is performed, you will have the following
1) Reset Auto-tuning, Self-tuning and Soft-start functions
2) Digital input (if present) enabled only if linked to SW
shutdown function
3) In case of restart after SW shutdown, the ramp linked to the
set starts from the PV
4) Outputs OFF: except for OUT4 (Master) and OUT6 (Slave)
of the Geflex instrument, which are forced ON
5) Reset HB alarm
6) Reset LBA alarm
7) In case of Geflex, Heat and Cool bit of status word
STATUS_ST_RAM and POWER are reset.
8) The current power level is saved when the instrument is
switched off. When it is switched on again, integral power is
calculated as the difference between saved power and
proportional power. This calculation is defined as “desaturation
at switch-on”.